350 year old painting

350 year old painting shows ‘proof’ of time travel as man uses iPhone

Featured Image Credit: SJArt / Alamy

Officially, the geezer in this 350-year-old paintings is supposed to be ‘handing a letter’ to the woman sitting in front of him.

Our message to Pieter De Hooch, the 17th century Dutch artist behind the drawing? Come off it, mate.

That’s no letter, that’s an iPhone. And judging by the guy holding the iPhone’s rigid stance, he’s just received a push notification about Liz Truss’s latest antics.

350 year old painting
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Officially, the geezer in this 350-year-old painting is supposed to be ‘handing a letter’ to the woman sitting in front of him. Credit: World History Archive / Alamy Stock Photo

Hooch is best known for his drawing of domestic scenes. This particular piece is aptly titled ‘Man Handing Letter to Woman in Hallway’. It depicts a woman sitting with a small dog on her lap. Sitting in her chair when a man gives her a letter.

Still not convinced that this painting is proof of humanity’s ability to overcome mind-altering paradoxes? Well, Apple CEO Tim Cook may have your say. I can’t.

In 2016, Cook visited the Rijksmuseum, where the drawing is on display, and was surprised to find that the subject appeared to be holding his iPhone.

Addressing the audience the day after his gallery visit, he said, “There was his iPhone over Hooch’s drawing.”

Cook replied, “Look, I thought I knew until last night. There was an iPhone inside.”

He added: I always thought I knew when the iPhone was invented, but now I’m not so sure. ”

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Even Tim Cook thought the letter was an iPhone. Credit: PA Images / Alamy Stock Photo

When Ferdinand Georg Waldmüller’s 1860 paintings The Expectations was exhibited at Munich’s Neue Pinakothek, one viewer was convinced he had spotted an Apple device in the drawing.

This paintings depicts a serene scene of a young woman immersed in what appears to be a book and a young man waiting to receive flowers.

Peter Russell, a former Glasgow Local Authority employee, told Vice after seeing the paintings. A quiet scene of a young woman immersed in what she can only assume is her book, waiting for a young man to give her flowers., told Glasgow Vice: “You can’t miss the similarities to the scene of a teenage girl addicted to social media on her smartphone.”

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