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The five-second rule reveals the surprising reality of what occurs when food is dropped on the floor.

Reconsider the five-second rule once you learn about the specific troublesome creatures that can contaminate food when it’s dropped.

The time-honored five-second rule has endured through the years, and there is no documented case of anyone contracting a life-threatening illness as a consequence.

While acknowledging the potential benefits of exposing oneself to some germs for immune system development, there’s a debate about extending the “five-second rule” to every conceivable floor and surface, especially in public spaces. Some argue that this unwritten rule should be reconsidered by everyone, spurred by concerns raised in a video highlighting issues like flies on certain surfaces.

The disclosure pertains to the activities of what could be considered our most bothersome insect – the fly.

A beautiful summer picnic can quickly be marred by the incessant buzzing of flies swarming around your food. Despite our instinct to casually shoo them away, the question arises: should we truly discard our food if a fly has briefly landed on it?

It may not come as a surprise that flies don’t consume food in the same manner as humans do. Lacking teeth, they are unable to chew. Instead, their approach involves regurgitating a blend of enzymes onto the food, breaking it down and facilitating an easier slurp-up-and-digest process.

Certainly not the most appetizing thought, is it?

Social media has sparked a reconsideration of people’s reactions to flies landing on their food or when it accidentally drops in a public place, shedding light on the less-than-appetizing habits of flies. One individual expressed their heightened disgust, stating, “This is even more repulsive than I had imagined,” while another remarked, “Ew, new level of revulsion unlocked.”

It’s not just the act of regurgitation that poses a problem; flies’ feet also came under scrutiny. A user pointed out, “Flies are on poop all day, and they are throwing it up on your food, and particles from the feet are also fecal matter.”

Despite the unsettling revelation, some individuals seemed unfazed. One person even expressed gratitude to the flies, saying, “If it is putting digestive enzymes in my food, I guess that will help me digest it as well.” Another took a more pragmatic approach, suggesting, “Just remove the chunk the fly was busy on, then continue enjoying your food.” Different perspectives on the matter were evident among social media users.

Read More: Scientists are stunned by the finding of a live ancient volcano hidden under massive eggs.

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