
Hollywood Star Reborn as a 10 Year Old Boy

In a fascinating tale, ten-year-old Ryan Hammond from Oklahoma claims to be the reincarnation of Hollywood actor Marty Martyn, who passed away around 60 years ago. The boy vividly recalls a past life in Hollywood during the 1940s and 1950s, sharing intriguing details of his alleged experiences. Hammond’s memories include being punched by Marilyn Monroe’s bodyguards and recalling the moment of his previous life’s demise, where he describes his heart ‘exploding’ and moving towards ‘the light.’

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Despite initial skepticism from his parents, Hammond consistently asserted his memories, even begging to visit Los Angeles to ‘meet his other family.’ In an attempt to unravel the mystery, Hammond’s mother brought home a Hollywood book from the library. The young boy successfully identified actor George Raft in a picture, claiming he had “done a picture” with the star.

At the age of six, Hammond was introduced to Marty’s daughter by a documentary crew. The youngster’s accurate recognition of places associated with the late actor convinced Marty’s daughter of the authenticity of his claims. Over time, Hammond’s memories of his alleged past life as Marty have faded, but he still retains some traits, such as a love for New York City and Hollywood movies.

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Child psychiatrist Dr. Jim Tucker supports Hammond’s claims, stating that such cases challenge conventional perceptions of how the world works. The intriguing case of Ryan Hammond’s reincarnation claims continues to captivate the public’s imagination, contributing to the ongoing exploration of consciousness and past-life memories, even though scientists may be unable to definitively prove or disprove reincarnation.

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