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Hikers record strange video of 10-foot tall alien observed on a hilltop.

A captivating video featuring two enigmatic figures silhouetted against a hilltop at a height of 10 feet, has surfaced on the internet.

Hikers capture a peculiar video showing extraterrestrial beings, standing at a towering height of 10 feet, observed on a hilltop.

The video was recorded on Ilha do Mel, a Brazilian island located approximately 285 miles south of São Paulo in the state of Paraná.

In the video, there are two silhouetted figures atop a cliffside, described as being ’10ft tall.’ While the figures are challenging to discern clearly, they give the impression of being exceptionally tall and slender. Consequently, social media has been flooded with claims suggesting that these figures are extraterrestrial visitors, causing the footage to go viral.

One individual expressed their belief, stating, “It’s a truly unusual figure. The arm movements are peculiar. I am a believer. Our universe isn’t solely inhabited by us.” On the contrary, skeptics emerged, with one remarking, “Why do all these supposed aliens appear in such poor resolution? Are there invisible sticks holding them up?”

Another individual commented, stating, “Upon close examination of the images, it appears to be a real person. It seems like this individual had binoculars or a camera, with a T-shirt tied around their head.”

A local named Marcio humorously remarked, “Wow, Peter Crouch might have to reconsider his camping plans.”

Footballer Peter Crouch, known for his tall and slender stature, joined in on the fun, jokingly stating, “We were on a family holiday, please respect our privacy at this time.”

The Paraná State government took a lighthearted approach to the sighting, using the opportunity to promote tourism. A spokesperson quipped, “Our summer is out of this world. Even peculiar beings come here to enjoy our coastline.”

The video originally surfaced on Instagram, where the translated caption read, “Folks, these are the original videos that we made. In the second video of him descending the mountain, you can already see that he actually looks like a normal person, albeit taller than the vast majority.”

This incident isn’t the first time reports of aliens being spotted in Brazil have circulated.

This marks the first instance of a reported sighting in Ilha do Mel; however, skepticism persists, with UFO expert Nick Pope expressing doubts. In a conversation with Metro on January 9, he commented, “This story and its reception are genuinely peculiar. There is no credible evidence to suggest a UFO or alien event occurred; it may simply be the police responding to reports of youth altercations.” Pope is not alone in his skepticism, as others point out the typical blurry nature of footage associated with such sightings. One individual remarked, “Why do these videos always appear as if they were recorded on a Blackberry?”

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