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A girl, kidnapped at four, was raised by monkeys and grew up mute.

Marina Chapman’s incredible journey began when she was kidnapped and left abandoned at the tender age of four in Colombia. Taken from her rural village, she retains little memory of her parents or life before the abduction, only recalling the moment when two men seized her and whisked her away from her familiar home.

A young girl, abducted at four years old, was abandoned and raised by monkeys, growing up without learning to speak.

After finding herself abandoned in the jungle at the age of four, Marina had to fend for herself entirely.

At the age of 73, she recounts being nurtured by monkeys, forming an unbreakable bond with these creatures.

In her book “The Girl With No Name” published in 2013, Marina asserts that she was abducted in 1954 when she was only four during a time when child-trafficking rings were prevalent in Colombia.

“I witnessed a hand silencing me – a dark hand holding a white cloth,” she recounted. “It was then I understood that two individuals were spiriting me away.”

“When witnessing their departure, I felt a strong reluctance for them to leave,” she shared during an interview with LADbible last year.

“I was filled with concern. As I watched them walk away, one person wore black attire, while the other was a white man in shorts.

“All I wanted was to plead with them to return for me, to not abandon me there.”

Despite her plea, no one returned for her, leaving Marina to navigate the situation on her own. However, her solitude was interrupted when she heard a monkey in the trees above.

“The initial one that arrived, it fixed its gaze upon me,” she recounted.

“He persistently tested my patience with his poking finger, displaying a surprising strength for such a small monkey. I resisted the urge to react or move. However, as others joined us, a sense of relief washed over me. Witnessing their arrival brought a comforting feeling, momentarily distracting me from my emotions. Despite my fear, I found myself forgetting to cry.”

As the weeks went by, Marina formed a stronger bond with the monkeys, who eventually welcomed her into their circle. Over her time spent with them, she gained an understanding of specific noises, mastering the identification of food sources. “I had to familiarize myself with the sounds,” she explained. “The high-pitched screech demanded caution and hiding. Different sounds conveyed distinct messages—the louder one meant ‘danger,’ while the whistle signaled ‘food.'”

“Understanding the various sounds around me took time; I observed and learned from the actions that followed each sound.” Marina recounts being discovered by hunters five years post her abduction. She asserts they transported her to a brothel in Cucuta. Subsequently, Marina secured work as a maid before relocating to the UK.

Read More: A famed snake charmer spent 40 days confined with 400 cobras.

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