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A couple was terrified to find a ‘death mask’ beneath their floorboards.

During their renovation of a Victorian-era house, a couple stumbled upon an unexpected discovery hidden beneath the floorboards as they cleared out their new home.

A couple was horrified to discover a ‘death mask’ hidden beneath their floorboards.

Discovering historical artifacts and secrets within old houses can be like uncovering a treasure trove of surprises. From stumbling upon a stash of ancient coins to stumbling upon a hidden, eerie chamber, the possibilities are endless.

However, one couple had an unsettling encounter when they stumbled upon what appeared to be a death mask under their floorboards. For those unfamiliar, a death mask is a cast taken of a person’s face shortly after their passing. These masks were historically utilized as references for creating portraits and sometimes kept as keepsakes to remember the deceased.

While the notion may seem morbid, it’s a reminder of an era before the convenience of smartphones and digital imagery.

Sharing their discovery on Reddit, the couple recounted, “While my husband was removing the floorboards, he stumbled upon this eerie find—a death mask. It’s unmistakably a death mask, crafted from plaster. Judging by the slightly open eyelid imprint, we assume the person was either deceased or unconscious when it was made.”

Expressing uncertainty about what to do next, they added, “There are no inscriptions on the mask, just a small hook at the back suggesting it could be hung on a wall. We’re unsure about selling it; would it invite bad luck? Disposing of it is another dilemma. Keeping it in our apartment feels uncomfortably eerie.”

The couple received various suggestions from Reddit users regarding the fate of their unexpected discovery.

One individual suggested: “Explore the building’s history; the family would likely appreciate reclaiming such a cherished item. However, selling it would be morally wrong!”

Meanwhile, another person was deeply unsettled by the find, stating: “Simply return it to its original place, gather your belongings… and relocate immediately!”

Read More: Woman cautioned after finding hidden chamber in eerie basement of 200-year-old home.

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