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A baffling video shows a woman seemingly making her entire stomach vanish.

Last year, a viral video of a woman left many on the internet puzzled as her stomach seemingly vanished.

A video has surfaced showing a woman seemingly making her entire stomach vanish in a perplexing and bewildering manner.

Numerous peculiar online videos often prompt us to ponder a straightforward question: ‘Why?’

After a festive season of overindulgence in unhealthy food and drinks, many of us might feel inclined to shed some belly fat.

However, one woman demonstrated the seemingly impossible: she made her stomach entirely disappear. Curious about how she accomplished this feat? Watch the video below to find out.

She astounded everyone by flawlessly executing a mesmerizing trick on camera, much to the astonishment of the two gentlemen featured in the now-viral video alongside her.

In the footage, one of them even dared to poke a finger into the seemingly empty space where her stomach should have been.

Within a matter of seconds, she effortlessly returned to a relaxed state, appearing entirely normal again. The spectacle left onlookers with a mildly unsettling image of witnessing someone’s stomach vanish and then reappear in the blink of an eye.

This wasn’t a subtle maneuver like pulling in one’s chest for a slimmer appearance; her entire abdomen seemingly disappeared. She achieved the remarkable feat to the extent that her ribcage protruded, revealing a mysterious, shadowy void where the rest of her midsection should have been.

The video was shared on Reddit, sparking confusion among many viewers who were amazed at how she managed to seemingly make a significant part of her body vanish. Comments ranged from shock and disbelief, with one person exclaiming, “Oh my goodness, what’s even happening?” Another made a humorous remark, saying, “Quite an unusual display, but alright.”

Another observant viewer noted the unsettling sight of her spine faintly visible if you looked closely, a rather disconcerting detail when someone is facing you.

People who attempted the exercise themselves recommended trying to inhale while holding their nose. This may seem like a magical act at first, but it’s actually a specific exercise known as the ‘stomach vacuum’.

To attempt it yourself, begin by standing up and placing your hands on your hips. Then, exhale completely until there’s no air left in your lungs.

Expand your chest as much as you can, creating room for your stomach to contract tightly. Imagine drawing your belly button towards your spine, as if you’re taking a deep breath without actually inhaling. This action allows your stomach to deeply contract, similar to engaging your core in exercise, without compromising your internal organs. Remember to resume normal breathing afterward.

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