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California Bans Red Food Dye Found in Skittles, PediaSure and More

Governor Gavin Newsom of California has recently signed a bill into law, making four widely-used food additives illegal in the state. Notably, one of these additives is the controversial red dye no. 3, which has already been banned in the European Union.

California Bans
California Bans Red Food Dye Found in Skittles, PediaSure and More 4

This red dye can be found in various products aimed at children, such as Skittles and PediaSure, as well as non-red foods like mashed potatoes and rice, as reported by the Center for Science in the Public Interest. The newly enacted California Food Safety Act now prohibits the production, sale, or distribution of food items containing this dye, along with three other commonly used additives: potassium bromate, brominated vegetable oil, and propylparaben.

In explaining his support for the bill, Governor Newsom pointed out that Skittles can be sold in the European Union, despite the EU’s ban on certain chemical additives and colorants. He emphasized that the food industry has the capacity to adapt its products to comply with various public health regulations from one country to another.

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Red dye no. 3 has been associated with the risk of thyroid cancer. Consumer Reports, which partnered with the nonprofit Environmental Working Group in supporting the bill, noted that in 1990, this dye was banned for use in cosmetics in the United States. This raises questions about the FDA’s stance, as it deems the dye unsafe for cosmetic use on the skin but allows its inclusion in food products that are consumed orally. As Lisa Lefferts, a scientist and consultant for the Center for Science in the Public Interest, pointed out, “The FDA says it isn’t safe enough to put it on our cheeks, but it’s okay to put it in our mouths?”

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