Many financial institutions are finding it challenging to keep pace with the increasing sophistication of AI-driven fraud, highlighting a critical need for improved detection and prevention strategies.
Theatre bans comedian after altercation involving Jewish audience members. Mr. Currie reportedly insisted that Jewish members leave his Saturday night show, leading to his ban.
In a surprising turn of events, the House of Representatives voted in favor of an aid bill for Israel, despite facing a potential veto threat from President Joe Biden. The bill, which aims to provide significant financial support to Israel, passed with a narrow margin of votes.
The former president threw in some gestures and sound effects for this one.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become an integral part of our lives, transforming the way we work, communicate, and even entertain ourselves. While its benefits are undeniable, renowned author John Grisham believes that the threat posed by AI is not fully appreciated. Grisham, known for his captivating legal thrillers, recently shared his concerns about the potential dangers lurking beneath AI's seemingly harmless facade.
Activists lash out after teams including England and Wales say players won’t wear armbands at FIFA World Cup in Qatar....