The acclaimed comedy series Curb Your Enthusiasm, crafted by and starring Larry David, is concluding its 24-year run, with Warner Brothers-Discovery, the owner of HBO, confirming the 12th season as its final installment.
New satellite imagery reveals the extensive damage caused by fatal flash floods in a village in India's northeastern state of Sikkim in October. The images illustrate the Teesta river overflowing and submerging a significant portion of the nearby village, leading to the loss of over 30 lives and devastation for thousands.
The radio host has a plan to keep the former president from returning as a dictator.
“It’s like the Kool-Aid man suddenly caring about walls," the comedian joked.
The comedian made light of his hospitalization with a joke.
“This is like nothing I’ve done before,” the comedian joked in the spoof segment.
For the past two decades, Top Gear has captivated audiences around the world with its exhilarating blend of cars, humor, and daredevil stunts. From the early days with Jeremy Clarkson at the helm to the recent addition of Freddie Flintoff to the hosting lineup, the show has continuously reinvented itself, keeping petrolheads on the edge of their seats.
A new satirical comedy and another series about real-life icons are also trending on streaming services like Max, Hulu, Apple TV+ and Paramount+.
It's been one of the Florida governor's strangest struggles as he campaigns for the Republican presidential nomination.
After a fight nearly broke out in the Senate, Jones offered to take it to the next level.