Ashish Prashar, who recently fell victim to a suspected hate crime, revealed to News that it required a joint effort from the community and the dissemination of a widely viewed video to prompt the NYPD to make an arrest. The arrest transpired two weeks after residents in Brooklyn joined forces to identify and apprehend a woman suspected of committing hate crimes against Prashar and his toddler. During the incident, Prashar, adorned in a Palestinian kaffiyeh, expressed deep concern for the well-being of other children of color in New York City.
Hey there, folks! Big news on the international stage - President Joe Biden and President Xi Jinping of China recently had a meeting to try and ease the tensions between the United States and China. It's no secret that relations between the two countries have been a bit rocky lately, with issues ranging from trade disagreements to human rights concerns.
Days prior to Rep. Matt Gaetz's attempt to remove Kevin McCarthy as House speaker, Gaetz and Rep. Matt Rosendale, both members of the Freedom Caucus, criticized the Republican Party's high-stakes move to impeach President Joe Biden in a video obtained by NBC News.
CAPE TOWN, South Africa — In an effort to contain numerous outbreaks of avian influenza, South Africa has euthanized approximately 7.5 million chickens, posing a risk of egg and poultry shortages for consumers, as reported by the government and the national poultry association on Tuesday.