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Two fatalities reported and dozens remain unaccounted for in Yunnan landslide

A landslide in China’s southwestern province of Yunnan, specifically in Zhaotong city, occurred at 05:51 local time on Monday, trapping 47 people. Unfortunately, two individuals have lost their lives, and dozens remain missing. President Xi Jinping has ordered a comprehensive rescue effort in the region, where sub-zero temperatures further complicate the situation.

State broadcaster CCTV reported the recovery of two “unresponsive” bodies from the debris. A resident of Liangshui village described the landslide, stating it occurred while they were asleep, characterized by a loud noise and a sensation akin to a significant earthquake.

Rescue teams were depicted in video clips shared on social media, navigating precarious piles of debris set against a picturesque backdrop of snow-covered mountains. The cause of the landslide remained uncertain, but the remote mountainous locale’s susceptibility to such incidents was highlighted. Among the rubble, personal belongings were strewn about, painting a poignant picture of the aftermath.

The region, known for its frequent landslides and common floods, is compounded by the presence of numerous coal mines. A villager, as cited by News China, noted that the majority of residents in the affected area were elderly and children.

Responding to the crisis, Chinese Vice Premier Zhang Guoqing is spearheading a workgroup dispatched to the site, overseeing and guiding the ongoing rescue operations. This unfortunate event is reminiscent of a previous tragedy in January 2013 when at least 18 lives were lost in a landslide in the same Zhenxiong county.

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