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Keith Richards: Arthritis and its Impact on Guitar Playing

In the world of rock and roll, few figures are as iconic and influential as Keith Richards. As the legendary guitarist for The Rolling Stones, Richards’ mastery of the instrument is widely recognized and admired. However, in recent years, he has faced a new challenge – arthritis.

Arthritis, a condition characterized by inflammation of the joints, can be debilitating and severely impact an individual’s ability to perform physical activities. For Richards, this meant facing the possibility of having to let go of the guitar that has been an extension of his being for decades.

In an interview, Richards openly discussed how arthritis has changed his guitar-playing. He acknowledged that he had to adapt his style to accommodate the limitations imposed by the condition. While arthritis has undoubtedly presented obstacles, Richards’ determination and love for his craft have pushed him to find creative solutions.

One key adjustment Richards made was reevaluating his technique. He had to experiment with different hand positions and grips to find ways to alleviate the strain on his joints. Additionally, he invested in technology such as lighter guitars and modified strings, which helped reduce the pressure on his fingers.

The challenges Richards faced allowed him to tap into his creativity and explore new avenues of expression. He started incorporating slide guitar techniques, which relied less on intricate finger movement. This added a unique flavor to his playing and showcased his ability to adapt and innovate despite the physical limitations.

Richards’ willingness to share his journey with arthritis can also serve as an inspiration to others who may be dealing with similar challenges. He has proven that even in the face of adversity, passion and determination can overcome obstacles.

As fans, we should continue to support and appreciate the incredible talent that Keith Richards brings to the world of music. His resilience and adaptability serve as a reminder that the true essence of artistry lies in the ability to evolve in the face of any circumstances, ultimately creating something remarkable.

In conclusion, the onset of arthritis undoubtedly changed Keith Richards’ guitar-playing, challenging him to find new strategies and techniques. His experience serves as a testament to the power of dedication and creativity, continuing to inspire generations of musicians and music lovers alike.


Keith Richards from The Rolling Stones discusses how arthritis has affected his guitar-playing. He talks about re-learning his instrument and his admiration for Lady Gaga. He also mentions his plans to go back on the road.

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