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‘Heck of a reunion’: Donald Trump silent as Michael Cohen dishes dirt

It seems like the storm is far from over for former President Donald Trump, as his long-time personal attorney and self-proclaimed ‘fixer’, Michael Cohen, has been making waves with his recent revelations. In what can only be described as a heck of a reunion, Cohen has started speaking out about his time working for Trump.

The recent release of Cohen’s book, ‘Disloyal: A Memoir’, has intensified the public’s curiosity about what really went on behind closed doors. Cohen pulls no punches, recounting shocking stories of hush money payments, shady business deals, and even allegations of collusion with foreign governments.

What’s most surprising is Trump’s silence amidst all of this. Known for his swift Twitter fingers and quick rebuttals, Trump seems uncharacteristically silent on Cohen’s explosive claims. Could it be that the former president is actually at a loss for words?

One can only wonder what these revelations mean for the future of Trump’s legacy. Will his staunch supporters remain loyal, or will these bombshell allegations be enough to shake their confidence?

Regardless of your political affiliation, there’s no denying that this ‘heck of a reunion’ between Trump and Cohen has certainly made for gripping headlines. It’s a story that will undoubtedly continue to unfold, keeping us on the edge of our seats as we eagerly wait for more developments.

In the meantime, keep an eye on the news and social media, because you never know when the next piece of this incredible puzzle will be revealed!

Former president Donald Trump remained silent as his former personal attorney, Michael Cohen, revealed damaging information during their reunion in court, marking five years since their last encounter.

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