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Couple’s property ordeal captivates Chinese internet

The plight of a young Chinese couple, whose struggles to secure home ownership reflect the economic downturn in the country, has captured the attention of the nation. Zhang Yiliang and Dong Lijun, both in their 30s, have chronicled the past two years of their lives on their Douyin account, “Liangliang Lijun couple,” amassing over 400,000 followers. The initial joy of purchasing a flat turned into turmoil, including disputes with the property developer and allegations of assault and video censorship. Their experiences resonated with many ordinary Chinese citizens, mirroring the challenges faced amid a property crisis and sluggish economy.


The couple’s dreams, symbolic of the “Chinese dream” popularized by President Xi Jinping, showcased the harsh reality for diligent citizens in pursuit of their aspirations. Despite initially receiving support, a former journalist’s video acknowledging the couple’s portrayal of China’s cruel reality was deleted, and his Weibo account was banned.

Central to their emotional journey is the flat purchased in 2021, with constant updates on its construction progress. The couple faced setbacks when Dong experienced a salary cut, and the developer, Sunac China Holdings Limited, admitted financial troubles in May 2022. Despite construction delays and ongoing struggles for owed rebates, the couple persisted, even live-streaming an encounter with Sunac on November 15. Reports surfaced of the couple being beaten during the livestream, leading to widespread attention and sympathy online.

The incident sparked discussions about ordinary people’s struggles and the importance of ensuring their hard work pays off. However, questions arose about the couple’s future plans, with some speculating on potential profit from online attention and pressure from local authorities. The couple’s uncertain decision to leave Zhengzhou stirred fresh discussions, highlighting the challenges faced by ordinary individuals in a complex societal landscape.

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