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“The Walls Crackle”; a swarm of earthquakes wakes the inhabitants of Pacifica

PACIFICA – A swarm of 3.5 magnitude earthquakes shook Pacifica early Tuesday, followed by aftershocks in a rapid fashion.

Preliminary estimate based on US Geological Survey3.
There were five attacks near Sharp Park in the Pacifica at 6:01 a.m. A pair of 2.6 templors followed minutes later.
Other than shaky nerves, there was no immediate news of damage or injury. The earthquake struck as a storm front, with high winds and heavy rain showers battering the Bay Area.

swarm of earthquakes

A true 1-2 punch of nature.

Local residents were shocked by the outbreak and social media quickly overflowed. The quake was felt strongly in San Francisco and on the peninsula as far as Santa Cruz.

“Yes, I feel it,” Cathy posted. “The earthquake in Pacifica (about 15 miles away) woke me up at 6am. Between that and the wind, it’s crazy out there!”

“We were shocked at Pacifica!”
“Walls crackle just before violently shaking back and forth. Aftershocks shake windows lightly.”

“3 times in a row. Funny way to get up,” Da posted.

“Wow, a magnitude 3.5 earthquake shook me out of bed at 6am,” Jim Steele tweeted. “The epicenter was a mile from my home near Valemar in the Pacifica area of ​​California.”
“I am very susceptible to earthquakes as I lived in Anchorage in 1964 and experienced a magnitude 9.2 earthquake which occurred on the same day as March 28.”

“My dog ​​and I felt the San Francisco earthquake,” posted Clint Cardoza. . “very scary!”

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