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Google faces criticism for AI Overview’s errors, like incorrectly labeling former President Obama as Muslim

Less than two weeks have passed since Google introduced “AI Overview” in Google Search. However, criticism has quickly escalated due to instances where queries yield nonsensical or inaccurate results within the AI feature, with users expressing frustration at the lack of an opt-out option.

AI Overview, a feature at the top of Google Search, provides quick summaries of search queries by synthesizing information from various sources. However, social media users have shared instances where the tool gave incorrect or controversial responses.

Examples of errors include attributing false information to medical professionals, suggesting inappropriate actions, or providing inaccurate historical facts. These errors have sparked concerns about the reliability and accuracy of AI-generated content.

Despite Google’s assurance of extensive testing and swift action to address issues, concerns persist about the reliability of AI-generated content. Similar controversies have arisen with other AI tools, such as Gemini’s image-generation tool, which faced criticism for producing historically inaccurate or biased images.

These incidents have reignited debates within the AI industry about ethics, bias, and the responsibility of tech companies in deploying AI technologies. Google, along with other tech giants, continues to face scrutiny over its handling of AI-related controversies and its commitment to ethical AI practices.

Read More: The Google antitrust case threatens billions of dollars and could reshape internet usage

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