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Sean Combs Faces Lawsuit from Cassie Alleging Years of Abuse

In a federal court filing, the renowned music producer and hip-hop mogul, Sean Combs, also known as Puff Daddy or Diddy, faces serious allegations from Cassie, an R&B singer who was formerly signed to his label. Cassie, whose real name is Casandra Ventura, and was romantically involved with Mr. Combs, accuses him of rape and sustained physical abuse spanning approximately a decade.


According to the lawsuit, filed in Federal District Court in Manhattan, Cassie claims that shortly after their meeting in 2005 when she was 19, Mr. Combs initiated a pattern of control and abuse. The alleged actions include administering drugs, physical assaults, and coercing her into sexual encounters with male prostitutes while recording the incidents. The suit asserts that in 2018, towards the end of their relationship, Mr. Combs forcibly entered her home and raped her.

Cassie, now choosing to break her silence, stated, “After years in silence and darkness, I am finally ready to tell my story, and to speak up on behalf of myself and for the benefit of other women who face violence and abuse in their relationships.”

In response, Mr. Combs vehemently denied the allegations through his lawyer, Ben Brafman. Brafman stated that Cassie had persistently demanded $30 million over the past six months, under the threat of writing a damaging book about their relationship. He described her lawsuit as an attempt to tarnish Mr. Combs’s reputation and seek financial gain.

Lawyer Douglas Wigdor, representing Cassie, countered that Mr. Combs had offered eight figures to silence her, an offer she rejected. The suit is the latest in a series of sexual assault civil suits against notable figures in the music industry.

Sean Combs, a key figure in hip-hop for decades, founded Bad Boy in 1993 and collaborated with major artists. The suit portrays him as a violent individual, accusing him of not only assaulting Cassie repeatedly but also involving her in illegal activities, such as carrying his gun and potentially orchestrating acts of violence against rivals.

The court documents name additional defendants, asserting that individuals associated with Mr. Combs facilitated his control over Cassie and concealed his behavior. The suit seeks unspecified damages. Cassie, after signing with Bad Boy in 2006, was allegedly drawn into Mr. Combs’s lavish lifestyle, with him exercising significant control over various aspects of her life, including her career, finances, and even access to her medical records. The suit details instances of violence and substance abuse, with Cassie allegedly refraining from reporting to the police due to fear of further harm.

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