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Rupert Murdoch Resigns as Fox and News Corp Chairman

Rupert Murdoch, the influential right-wing media mogul responsible for overseeing a global news empire, has announced his resignation as chairman of Fox Corporation and News Corporation. In a memo to employees, the 92-year-old Murdoch stated that he will continue to engage with news and ideas but feels it’s the right time to take on different roles, recognizing the presence of highly capable teams.


Throughout his leadership at Fox and News Corporation, known for publications like The Wall Street Journal and the New York Post, Murdoch has wielded significant influence in the Republican Party, rivaled by only a few.

His retirement coincides with a critical juncture in the media industry, marked by a profound transformation in traditional television and film, with consumers increasingly turning to streaming services.

Murdoch’s decision to step down from his chairmanship roles will also have reverberations in the political arena, particularly as the 2024 presidential race gains momentum. Fox News remains entangled in legal issues related to its promotion of former President Donald Trump’s election falsehoods following the 2020 election.

Lachlan Murdoch steps in

Assuming his father’s role, Lachlan Murdoch, Rupert Murdoch’s eldest son and the current CEO of Fox Corporation, will become the sole chairman of both companies. Rupert described Lachlan as a dedicated and principled leader. While it remains uncertain if there will be a change in Fox’s direction under Lachlan’s leadership, Rupert indicated that the right-wing editorial stance for which his media companies are known will be upheld.

In a memo to employees, Rupert Murdoch emphasized his commitment to the cause of freedom and expressed concerns about self-serving bureaucracies silencing those who question their motives. He also noted that elites often hold disdain for those outside their exclusive circle, and much of the media aligns with these elites, promoting political narratives instead of pursuing the truth. Rupert, who assured staff of his good health, stated that in his new role as chairman emeritus, he would remain actively engaged in the ongoing battle of ideas.

However, it’s worth noting that Lachlan Murdoch has privately voiced criticism of former President Trump, disagreeing with many aspects of his behavior, according to sources familiar with the matter as reported by CNN last year. In some instances, Lachlan has even expressed the belief that a Trump re-election bid would not be favorable.

A storied, controversial career

Rupert Murdoch’s entry into the media industry dates back to the 1950s when he began with a small Australian newspaper chain.

In 1969, Murdoch made a significant international move by acquiring the UK’s News of the World, followed by The Sun, The Times, and The Sunday Times of London, establishing a newspaper empire that granted him unparalleled reach and political influence in the UK.

In 1973, Murdoch entered the U.S. media landscape with the purchase of the San Antonio Express and the San Antonio News. Shortly thereafter, he ventured into tabloid competition with the National Star, rivaling the National Enquirer.

One of his notable acquisitions was the New York Post in 1976, a prominent New York City tabloid that continues to be influential in both media and politics. Although he briefly had to sell it due to ownership rules, he reacquired it in 1993.

In 1985, Murdoch became a major figure in Hollywood by buying Twentieth Century Fox from Marvin Davis for $600 million. He also expanded into television with the acquisition of several U.S. TV stations and the creation of Fox Broadcasting in 1986.

In 1989, Murdoch launched the UK satellite pay-TV broadcaster Sky, which he merged with a major competitor just a year later following a price war.

However, his UK media empire faced a major setback due to the News of the World hacking scandal, leading to the closure of the newspaper in 2011. This scandal also derailed his bid to take control of Sky. Although he attempted to acquire Sky again in 2016, regulatory concerns and competition from Comcast prevented the deal’s completion.

Despite his focus on print and TV, Murdoch made an unsuccessful foray into the internet, purchasing MySpace in 2005 for $580 million but selling it in 2011 for a substantial loss. He attributed its failure to missed opportunities and excessive bureaucracy.

In 2019, Murdoch sold a significant portion of his media empire, including the Twentieth Century Fox film studio, to Disney in a massive $71 billion deal, leaving him with a streamlined broadcast portfolio, including Fox News and Fox Sports.

Following the sale, he retained his News Corp. newspaper business, which included the Wall Street Journal, acquired during the Dow Jones purchase in 2007 for $5.6 billion. Under his leadership, the newspaper expanded its coverage beyond finance, implemented a successful paywall, and maintained a balanced tone, except for its conservative Opinion page.

Fox News

In 1996, Fox News was launched as a conservative challenger to CNN, positioning itself as a startup with right-leaning perspectives. Over time, it achieved the status of the top cable news channel in the United States by aligning with conservative narratives.

However, the channel departed from its initial focus on conservative news when Donald Trump, the former President, rose within the Republican Party in 2015. It evolved into an unapologetic platform for right-wing propaganda, actively supporting the scandal-ridden White House.

Rupert Murdoch’s media outlets, under his ownership, have a longstanding history of undermining and downplaying climate science. In the United States, Fox News has become a hub for climate change conspiracy theories and their proponents. Although Murdoch has claimed not to support climate denial, his media properties have consistently promoted climate skepticism and provided a platform for climate skeptics.

Renowned climate scientist Michael Mann at the University of Pennsylvania has criticized Murdoch, stating that nobody has done more to harm the understanding of climate change than him. Murdoch has utilized his global media network to spread doubt and confusion about climate science and the case for action.

In recent years, under Murdoch’s leadership, Fox News has propagated baseless conspiracy theories, including those surrounding the Covid-19 pandemic and the 2020 presidential election. The false information spread by Fox News about the election led to two significant defamation lawsuits from Dominion Voting Systems and Smartmatic, both involved in voting technology.

Fox News settled the Dominion lawsuit earlier this year for a historic $787.5 million. However, the Smartmatic lawsuit is still proceeding through the court system.

Fox News announced Rupert Murdoch’s retirement during a live broadcast, with anchor Bill Hemmer acknowledging the network’s founder. Hemmer praised Murdoch’s significant contributions to the global media landscape and expressed gratitude for the opportunity to be part of his life’s work.

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