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North Korea: China and Russia in first post-pandemic visits

A delegation from Russia, led by Defence Minister Sergei Shoigu, has arrived in North Korea to participate in Pyongyang’s 70th-anniversary celebrations marking the end of the Korean War. Later on Wednesday, a Chinese delegation is expected to join the event. These visits are notable as they are the first of their kind since North Korea closed its borders to prevent the spread of the pandemic.

North Korea

The closure of borders in early 2020 had even affected trade and diplomatic ties with Russia and China, its main economic and political allies. As a result, essential goods like food and medicine were also cut off, aggravating food shortages in the country. Some experts suggest that the inclusion of Chinese and Russian envoys in the celebrations might indicate a potential easing of Covid restrictions, especially after state media showed images of North Koreans without masks.

Both China and Russia have historical ties with North Korea, with China sending troops in 1950 to support the country during the Korean War, while the Soviet Union also provided support. Even after the USSR’s collapse, Russia has remained an ally due to their mutual disapproval of the US. However, the recent visit by the Russian delegation occurs amid escalating tensions between the US and Russia over the war in Ukraine, and strained relations between China and the US concerning Taiwan.

Additionally, the US has been attempting to engage in dialogue with North Korea after a US soldier, Travis King, fled to North Korea recently. He ran into North Korea while on a tour at the Joint Security Area in the Demilitarised Zone that divides North and South Korea. While there have been discussions between the United Nations Command (of which the US is a part) and North Korea regarding Pvt. King, specific details have not been disclosed.

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