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Myanmar overtakes Afghanistan as top opium producer

A recent UN report reveals that Myanmar has become the world’s leading opium producer, surpassing Afghanistan. Opium production in Myanmar is estimated to increase by 36% to 1,080 tonnes this year, significantly exceeding the reported 330 tonnes from Afghanistan, where poppy cultivation plummeted by 95% following a drug ban by the Taliban. In Myanmar, the expansion of opium cultivation is attributed to the economic opportunities it offers amid a brutal civil war, with farmers turning to it as a means of livelihood.


The report notes an 18% increase in cultivation in the past year, describing it as “increasingly sophisticated” due to organized plots, irrigation systems, and the use of fertilizers. The rising prices for opium, coupled with the economic challenges exacerbated by the pandemic and Myanmar’s political situation, make opium cultivation an appealing option for income. Shan State, experiencing conflict between ethnic armed groups and the military, remains Myanmar’s primary opium producer.

The report anticipates further increases in opium production with the intensification of conflicts in border areas. Heroin production and trafficking, the most lucrative activities in the opium economy, are estimated to have exported up to 154 tonnes of heroin from Myanmar this year, valued at approximately $2.2 billion. The “Golden Triangle,” where the borders of Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos converge, historically known for opium and heroin production, continues to be a significant source, with Myanmar and Afghanistan supplying the majority of heroin globally.

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