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Migrants Cheer on Packed Train Approaching US-Mexico Border Amid Growing Crisis

Footage shows overcrowded train of migrants heading for US-Mexico border amid escalating crisis


Astounding video captures a FerroMex train brimming with migrants speeding toward the US-Mexico border, exacerbating the challenges faced by border towns grappling with an overwhelming influx of migrants. The train, departing from Zacatecas in central Mexico, carried hundreds of passengers on a 750-mile journey northward to the US. Containers were packed with migrants, who cheered and hung off the sides as they hitched a ride.

This migration surge adds to the strain caused by the Biden administration’s lax border policies. Many migrants were prepared for the arduous journey, erecting tents and canvas coverings on the containers for shelter. US Customs and Border Patrol data reveals an increase in encounters with migrants, with July witnessing nearly 184,000 crossings, up from June’s 144,000. Though monthly figures are rising, they remain below 2021 and 2022 levels when over 200,000 migrants entered the US from Mexico.

This surge encompasses migrants from diverse countries, including China, entering through the porous southern border. The fiscal year 2022 set a record with 2,378,944 crossings, and 2023, through July, already saw 1,973,092, many following the expiration of Title 42. August is predicted to exceed 230,000 crossings. The majority are single adults (64.9%), but almost 600,000 are family unit members, and 109,298 are unaccompanied minors.

Overcrowding issues are widespread along the southern border, prompting actions such as street releases in Tucson and San Diego. Texas, using razor wire to deter illegal entry, has bused migrants to “sanctuary cities” like New York, Chicago, Philadelphia, and Los Angeles. Texas Governor Greg Abbott argues that these cities must share the burden of illegal immigration.

Last week, over 7,000 illegal crossings occurred on multiple days. Photos showed Border Patrol buses releasing migrants onto San Diego streets, with similar releases in Tucson. Senegal, Mauritania, Ghana, and Sudan are among the African nations represented in the recent migrant influx. Cochise County, Arizona, is experiencing a surge of migrants bused from other counties due to President Biden’s lenient policies. Sheriff Mark Dannels expressed concerns about the impact on quality of life in the county and commended the efforts of local Customs and Border Protections agents.

Read more: Earth Had The Hottest Summer On Record In 2023, Says NASA

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