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Mexican Congress holds hearing on UFOs featuring purported ‘alien’ bodies

During an unprecedented congressional hearing on UFOs in Mexico, lawmakers were presented with testimonies and alleged remains of non-human beings. The hearing focused on Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP) and featured artifacts claimed by journalist and UFO enthusiast Jaime Maussan to be extraterrestrial corpses.


These specimens, displayed in cases, had three fingers on each hand and elongated heads, purportedly recovered in Peru near the Nazca Lines in 2017 and analyzed through carbon dating by Mexico’s National Autonomous University (UNAM). Maussan claimed that these beings were not related to any Earthly life.

Jose de Jesus Zalce Benitez, Director of the Scientific Institute for Health of the Mexican navy, asserted that X-rays, 3-D reconstruction, and DNA analysis confirmed these bodies were unrelated to humans. However, UNAM restated that their work was solely intended to determine the samples’ age, not their origin.

Former U.S. Navy pilot Ryan Graves, who testified about his encounters with UAP, also addressed the hearing. Congressman Sergio Gutierrez expressed hope that this event would lead to further discussions on the topic in Mexico.

While some welcome the discussion, skeptics raised concerns about the authenticity of Maussan’s presentation and its potential impact on the seriousness of UFO investigations.

In recent years, the U.S. government has shifted toward more openness regarding UAP, with the Pentagon actively investigating sightings and NASA conducting its first-ever UFO study. NASA was set to discuss its findings from the study separately.

This news highlights the extraordinary nature of the congressional hearing in Mexico and the ongoing interest in UFO-related phenomena.

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