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Macron and von der Leyen: Europe’s good cops and bad cops meet Xi Jinping

When Emmanuel Macron and Ursula von der Leyen meet with Xi Jinping, they will send a message of unity even as China seeks to create a possible break with the European Union.

The President of France and the President of the European Commission flew to Beijing on Wednesday and will be greeted by the President of China on Thursday.

Collaborations is the latest in the clear vision of European leaders to engage with China, which German Chancellor Olaf Schulz and Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez visited last month.

Macron and von der Leyen

Like them, Mr. Macron and Ms. von der Leyen will pressure Xi to take more steps to stop the war in Ukraine, while deftly managing the economic growth of the EU and its biggest market, Tuam China.

European investigators want them to work as an inclusive team.
He seems like a good cop when trying to reach out to French president Vladimir Putin. A spokesman for the Elysee Palace told reporters that Macron had found “good ground at the suggestion of China” to end the war.

Meanwhile, because of her relationship with US President Joe Biden and her strong support for NATO, some have described Ms. von der Leyen as “a bad cop from Brussels”.

Ms. von der Leyen made a strong speech the day before her arrival, criticizing Xi for maintaining her friendship with Mr. Putin. Regarding China’s 12-point peace plan, he said any plan to reinforce Russia’s cooperation was “absolutely impossible”.
He also put forward the idea of ​​”risk reduction,” a softer version of America’s departure from China, where Europe would strengthen its diplomacy, diversify its business, and defend its business and technology.

Senior member of the German Marshall Fund think tank Dr. Andrew Small said the leaders represented “two different views on China in Europe”.

“One thing is that China is increasing its support for Putin in the war, especially death aid. At least they will say that all conflicts with Europe will go well.”

“Even in the midst of this, business and trade relations continue … which shows that Europe and France still want to do business.”
More importantly, Ms. von der Leyen is visiting China at the invitation of Mr. Macron.

Dr Small pointed out that this will not only follow the EU members who do not believe in Mr. Macron’s approach to Russia and China, but also the Americans they will follow.

The United States has yet to meet with a Chinese leader after Foreign Minister Antony Blinken’s highly anticipated Beijing trip was repeatedly cancelled. The trip will be the closest the US will ever come to meeting with Xi; Mr Macron speaks with Joe Biden before leaving France, where they discuss plans to engage with China.

The alliance presented by Mr. Macron and Mr. von der Leyen is also an attempt to undermine China’s hopes of exploiting the division in Europe.
Some observers see this as part of Beijing’s attempt to move Europe out of US orbit.

However, while member states continue to differ on proximity to China, the EU still has no clear agreement on what to do with Beijing. While some countries, such as France and Germany, want to maintain economic relations, others, especially the former Soviet bloc countries, fear that Russia will try to claim other lands after Ukraine, so it will want to draw a tougher line against China.

Observers warn that the danger could make China dare to use its relations with Russia as leverage in Europe. Janka Oertel, Asia program director of the European Council on Foreign Relations, said that Europe should draw clear red lines and explain China’s cross-border results, not follow the lead of the US and NATO.
“The Chinese people really need to understand what’s at stake. It’s time for Europeans to say, ‘This is your problem, you can get away with it like you did in 2014 (during Russia’s annexation of Crimea)’. Choose. Don’t do it – you have it,” he said. Dr. Postpone.

So how will China respond?

Miss von der Leyen’s absence would be welcome. His remarks last week angered the Chinese and prompted a quick rebuke by China’s EU chief Fu Cong, who said they contained “false statements and the effect of distortion” and would “deliberately misrepresent China’s position”.

Experts say China won’t mind its “risk reduction” strategy, but will have no choice but to adopt it. However, given its efforts to be economically self-sufficient and Xi Jinping’s comments on his own “double circulation” idea, China will be hard to resist.
Reuben Wong, professor of political science working on Asia-Europe at the National University of Singapore, said: “The Chinese people also do not want to be dependent on the US or Russia.

The growth of solidarity” Wu said that since the war Western allies – Finland He pointed to its accession to NATO on Tuesday – saying it represented “a significant improvement in relations” for China and that there was “little room for them to engage in conflict”. Independent political consultant in Beijing

Many argue that the only way Beijing can do this is by being more cooperative on issues such as lifting trade sanctions. China’s pressure to allow Taiwan to open a de facto embassy is their own means to rein in what they see as economic pressure.

But the biggest problem will be the war in Ukraine.

Eager to consolidate his identity as a negotiator, Macron enjoys personal meetings with important people. But the lack of transparency by the Chinese leadership means there is little evidence that Xi can be easily influenced in this way.

Mr. Macron also announced his campaign against China, at least publicly, immediately after Xi’s visit to Russia, as the two countries announced to the rest of the world that their “unlimited friendship” remained the same.

Dr Wu said this could mean his visit to China “could end up like a visit to Russia and talks with Putin that don’t make much sense.”

“We also saw a diplomatic storm last month that represents his return from China to the world stage.
In this case, China is aware of its position of trust, so it will not change easily.

But others believe that China may therefore be willing to work with Mr. Macron to end the war launched by Russia – taking the opportunity to explain

, he became another negotiator in recent weeks, released a proposal and surprised Saudi Arabia and Iran the world by agreement between

“When the war in Ukraine is over, China wants to be at the meeting… this time it will see peace come. So it will really raise its profile in international politics,” said Dr Wong.
As the war continues to affect the global economy and China’s exports, “it is in Beijing’s interest to start adapting their language to the Russians,” he said.

This will definitely be the first thing on their minds when Mr Macron and Ms von der Leyen walk the Beijing red carpet prepared for them.

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