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Japan ‘concerned’ by continued U.S. Osprey flights after fatal crash

Japanese officials stated that they formally requested the U.S. military to ground its planes for investigation, expressing concern over the continued operation of Osprey military aircraft in the country. This request follows a recent incident where a U.S. Air Force Osprey crashed into Japanese waters, resulting in at least one crew member’s death and seven others missing. Despite Japan grounding its own Ospreys and requesting U.S. forces to suspend non-emergency flights, the Pentagon claimed it had not received any official request.


Chief Cabinet Secretary Hirokazu Matsuno emphasized Japan’s worry about Osprey flights proceeding without adequate explanations on flight safety. While the U.S. had suspended the operation of CV-22 Ospreys similar to the crashed one, other models were reportedly being operated after comprehensive maintenance and safety inspections. Japan continues to urge the U.S. to confirm flight safety before conducting these flights. The use of Ospreys in Japan has been a contentious issue due to safety concerns, with the recent crash adding to a series of incidents involving these aircraft since their introduction in 2007, including a fatal crash in Australia in August.

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