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Israel-Palestine conflict: Recent developments and statements

The Israel-Palestine conflict has witnessed a surge in violence in 2023. Despite a joint Israeli-Palestinian commitment declared on February 26, 2023, aimed at quelling the violence, there are concerns regarding the feasibility of this commitment. This article delves into recent developments in the region and the statements made by the UK and the international community with a focus on resolving the conflict.

In the House of Lords, a question for a brief debate has been scheduled, which pertains to inquiring about the steps taken by His Majesty’s Government, in collaboration with international partners, to de-escalate the violence and establish a lasting peace between the government of Israel and the Palestinian people. This question was raised by Lord Harries of Pentregarth (Crossbench).

The debate revolves around the longstanding tensions and conflicts between Israel and Palestine that have persisted since the mid-20th century, primarily centered on disputes over land and borders, including the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.

Numerous incidents of violence and confrontations have occurred on both sides of the conflict. While attempts have been made over the years by Israeli governments and Palestinian authorities to negotiate an end to the conflict, these endeavors have not yielded success.

This brief overview focuses on recent developments in the ongoing conflict, as well as political statements and actions aimed at its resolution.

Tensions between Israel and Palestine have escalated throughout 2023, sparking concerns that another ‘intifada,’ referring to the Palestinian uprisings in 1978 and 2000 against Israel, may be on the horizon. Notable instances of recent violence include:

  • January 16, 2023: Israeli forces reportedly killed a Palestinian boy in the West Bank during a confrontation in which Palestinian individuals had thrown rocks, Molotov cocktails, and improvised explosive devices at them. The Palestinian Ministry of Education strongly condemned this incident.
  • January 27, 2023: A military raid in Jenin, a town in the West Bank, resulted in the deaths of nine Palestinians. The Israeli military claimed that the operation aimed to arrest Palestinian Islamic Jihad “terror operatives” planning major attacks. This event was labeled a “massacre” by the Palestinian Authority, which subsequently terminated security coordination with the Israeli government. On the same day, a 13-year-old Palestinian boy attacked and killed seven Israelis outside a synagogue in East Jerusalem, prompting Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to announce additional security measures to combat terrorism.
  • February 22, 2023: A raid in Nablus led to the deaths of at least 10 Palestinians and over 100 injuries, with the Palestinian Authority denouncing it as “state terrorism.” The Israel Defense Forces initiated this operation in response to attacks on its troops by Palestinian gunmen.
  • February 23, 2023: Following the Nablus raid, Palestinian militants and the Israel Defense Forces engaged in rocket fire in the Gaza Strip, resulting in air strikes by the Israeli military in response to rockets fired by Palestinian militants from southern Israel. Both Hamas, the group controlling the Gaza Strip, and Palestinian Islamic Jihad issued threats of retaliation.
  • February 26, 2023: A Palestinian gunman killed two Israeli settler brothers in Hawara, a town in the northern West Bank. In retaliation, Israeli settlers set cars and homes in Palestinian villages on fire, leading to numerous casualties, including an Israeli American. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu announced an investigation by the Israel Defense Forces and urged the public not to take the law into their own hands.

Recent changes in Israel’s political landscape include the formation of a new coalition government on December 29, 2022, led by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. This coalition comprises six parties, including the Religious Zionist Party, known for its “national religious” stance. Concerns have arisen regarding the party’s position on the conflict, as the coalition agreements include commitments to expand settlements, including in the West Bank, and legalize some settlement outposts.

On February 13, 2023, the Israeli government announced that the Security Cabinet had authorized nine settlements in the occupied West Bank as a response to “murderous terrorist attacks” in East Jerusalem. This move prompted a presidential statement from the UN Security Council, expressing concerns about the plans hindering the peace process and the viability of a two-state solution. In response, the Israel Prime Minister’s Office criticized the UN statement as “one-sided,” and several days later, Israel announced a pause in building new settlements in the occupied West Bank for the “coming months.”

2.1 Joint commitment to end violence On February 26, 2023, Israeli and Palestinian representatives jointly committed to taking immediate measures to halt the recent upsurge in violence. These commitments followed talks in Aqaba, Jordan, involving both parties, as well as U.S. and Egyptian officials. The announcement emphasized the commitment to prior agreements and working toward a just and enduring peace. It included Israeli commitments to freeze settlement discussions for four months and outposts for six months. The parties agreed to reconvene in Egypt in March 2023 to assess progress.

Nevertheless, doubts have been raised by Israeli and Palestinian politicians regarding the feasibility of these joint commitments. For instance, Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich, who also chairs the Religious Zionist Party, rejected the settlement freeze, asserting that there would be no halt in settlement building under his authority. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu similarly conveyed that settlement construction would not be paused.

A senior Hamas member characterized the Aqaba meeting as an attempt to suppress the Palestinian uprising in the occupied West Bank, with the aim of strengthening Israeli security at the expense of Palestinian rights. A member of the leftist Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, Maher Mezher, expressed doubts that the Aqaba meeting represented the Palestinian people’s interests.

Additionally, the intensified violence during the Aqaba talks in the West Bank has cast further doubts on the joint commitment.

Benjamin Netanyahu addressed the outbreak of violence by some Israeli settlers against Palestinian villages on February 26, 2023. He called for those seeking revenge for the shooting of the two Israeli settler brothers in Hawara to allow the Israel Defense Forces to do its job and not take the law into their own hands. An official from the Israel Defense Forces described attacks by Israeli settlers against Palestinians as “actions of terror” and emphasized that citizens should not take the law into their own hands. The Israel Defense Forces deployed additional troops to de-escalate the situation.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the “terrorist acts carried out by settlers under the protection of the occupation forces” on February 26, 2023, and held the Israeli government fully responsible for the violence.

The UK has pledged support for peace between Israel and Palestine. In a statement to the UN Security Council on January 18, 2023, the UK stressed the importance of restoring stability in the region. The UK’s political coordinator at the UN, Fergus Eckersley, urged both parties to de-escalate, restore calm, and rebuild trust. The UK emphasized its opposition to unilateral actions that impede Israeli-Palestinian peace, regardless of the party responsible. The UK called on Israelis and Palestinians to demonstrate a genuine commitment to peace, security, and a two-state solution, which it deemed the only way to end the conflict and fulfill both Israeli and Palestinian aspirations.

This stance was reiterated in a subsequent statement at the UN Security Council on February 20, 2023. The UK ambassador to the UN, Barbara Woodward, affirmed the UK’s belief in a negotiated two-state solution as the sole path to lasting peace, security, and prosperity for both parties.

The UK committed to collaborating with international partners to restore peace between Israel and Palestine. The UK minister of state for the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office, Lord Ahmad of Wimbledon, emphasized their close contact with international partners, including the US, to promote peace and de-escalate tensions. Lord Ahmad conveyed these messages during meetings with Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen, Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Shtayyeh, and Foreign Minister Riad Malki during a visit to Israel and the occupied Palestinian territories in January 2023.

On February 14, 2023, the UK, alongside the US, France, Germany, and Italy, issued a joint statement in response to Israeli plans to expand settlements in occupied Palestinian territories. The statement reaffirmed the international community’s commitment to supporting Israel and Palestine in restoring peace and emphasized the importance of direct negotiations between the parties to achieve a comprehensive, just, and lasting peace.

The UN has issued numerous appeals to Israelis and Palestinians to de-escalate violence. UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Türk’s statement in February 2023 urged leaders on both sides to end the escalation and urgently resolve the conflict. UNICEF expressed concerns about children bearing the highest price as violence escalates, reporting the deaths of seven Palestinian children and one Israeli child in the early weeks of 2023, with many others injured.

UNICEF provided support to affected children, offering psychosocial services to more than 15,200 children in family centers across the Gaza Strip since 2009. UN envoy Tor Wennesland reported “active diplomacy” taking place, involving the US, UN, and Israeli and Palestinian officials.

UN Secretary General António Guterres called for regional and international collaboration to break the cycles of violence and restore calm in the region. He emphasized the immediate priority of preventing further escalation and reducing tensions.

Following the latest violence in the region, the UN envoy in Jerusalem urged both sides to address core issues fueling the conflict and reaffirmed the UN’s commitment to supporting Palestinians and Israelis in achieving peace.

The US is committed to fostering cooperation between Israel and Palestine and promoting a comprehensive and lasting solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. During a call between US Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on February 18, 2023, Mr. Blinken reiterated the US’s support for a negotiated two-state solution and opposition to measures that could endanger this solution or escalate violence.

In response to the events on February 22, 2023, the US Department of State’s spokesperson, Ned Price, emphasized the urgent need for both parties to work together to improve the security situation in the West Bank and called on all parties to refrain from actions that could inflame tensions.

Following the violence in the West Bank on February 26, 2023, Ned Price stressed the imperative of Israelis and Palestinians working together to de-escalate tensions and restore calm, with continued US and regional support to uphold the commitments made in Aqaba. He emphasized the shared goal of safety and security for both Israelis and Palestinians.

In an EU statement to the UN Security Council on January 18, 2023, EU Ambassador Olof Skoog expressed concerns about the deteriorating situation and increased violence in the West Bank. He affirmed the EU’s commitment to a just and comprehensive resolution of the conflict, supporting the two-state solution, which envisions a viable Palestinian state living alongside the State of Israel. The ambassador also highlighted the EU’s concerns about Israeli settlement expansion and called on Israel to halt further expansion to prevent an escalation of violence. Additionally, the EU condemned recent terror attacks, including rocket launches by Palestinian militant groups into Israel.

In response to the events in Nablus, EU High Representative Josep Borrell expressed deep alarm at the escalating violence in the West Bank and called for all parties to work together to restore calm and de-escalate tensions to prevent further loss of life.

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