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Iran gives a death sentence to 15,000 protestors

In Iran, the court has handed down the first death sentence to a man arrested for participating in the protests that are taking hold in the country, according to state media.

A revolutionary court in Tehran found an anonymous defendant guilty of setting fire to a government facility and of “enmity against God.”

Another court sentenced five to five to 10 years in prison for national security and public order offenses.

Human rights groups warned authorities against planning “rash executions”.

Norway-based Iran Human Rights said at least 20 people are currently facing the death penalty, citing an official report.

Its director, Mahmoud Amily Moghadam, called on the international community to take urgent action and “strongly warn the Islamic Republic of the consequences of the execution of protesters.”

Protests against Iran’s clerical organization erupted two months ago after the death in custody of a young woman arrested by morality police on suspicion of violating strict hijab rules.

They have spread to 140 cities and towns according to reports, making them the biggest challenge for the Islamic Republic in more than a decade.

At least 326 protesters, including 43 children and 25 women, were killed in the security force crackdown, according to Iran Human Rights.

Iran gives a death sentence to 15,000 protestors 4

The Human Rights Activists News Agency (HRANA), also based abroad, brought the death toll to 339 and arrested a further 15,300 protesters. It also reports the deaths of 39 guards.

Iran’s leadership has described the protests as a “riot” instigated by the country’s foreign enemies.

Last week, Attorney General Gholamhossein Mohseni Ejei said the “primary perpetrators” should be identified as soon as possible and penalties imposed as a deterrent to others.

He warned that “rioters” could be prosecuted for “moharebeh” (enmity against God), “ehsad filarz” (corruption on earth), and “buggy” (armed uprising). All of these are related to Sharia law in Iran. The based legal system can be imposed.

Anyone who possesses and uses a weapon or firearm, sabotages national security, or kills someone, could face “kisar” (retribution in kind), he said, adding that 290 Iranian responded to calls for retaliatory justice from 272 of the MPs.

More than 2,000 people have already been charged with involvement in the “recent riots,” according to the judiciary.

Local media reported on Sunday that judicial officials said 164 defendants had been charged in southern Hormozgan province, 276 in central Markazi province, and 316 in neighboring Isfahan province.

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