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Impeachment of Trump: A Simple Guide to What It Means

Former US President Donald Trump has been charged with a felony for paying porn stars.

The man who has been in the White House for four years has not been fingerprinted, photographed or brought before a judge in days.

Here’s what happens when he runs for president again in the 2024 election.

That’s what this is about.

Impeachment of Trump

What just happened?

On Thursday night, a jury in New York voted to indict Mr. To impeach Trump, meaning they believe there is enough evidence to bring criminal charges against him.

We do not yet know the amount of these costs.

But jurors have been hearing payments made to buy porn star Stormy Daniels’ silence for weeks.

It happened before sir. Trump was president just before the 2016 election in which he defeated Hillary Clinton.

We’ll find out what the specific charges are when the 76-year-old is arrested and appears before a judge in Manhattan.
It was reported on Tuesday.

  • Follow live updates on indictments and responses
  • What is a US Grand Jury?

What is Mr. Trump accused of?

Stormy Daniels said she had an affair with Mr Trump in 2006, which he has always denied.

In 2016, she tried to sell her account of what happened to the media. Mr. Trump’s attorney, Michael Cohen, paid her $130,000 to silence her. These payments are called silent money.

It’s not illegal, but sir. What got Trump in trouble was the way the payment was posted to his account.
He is accused of falsifying his business records, saying the payments were for attorneys’ fees.

As he did just before Americans were about to vote, he could also be breaking campaign payment laws.

There will now be a hearing where Mr. Trump will present his case.

He denied any wrongdoing and said the allegations were politically motivated.

  • What happened between Stormy Daniels and Trump?
  • Who is the prosecutor prosecuting Trump?

Will Trump go to jail if found guilty?

The most likely outcome is a fine, but jail time is also possible.

If any of the charges are serious – known as a felony in the United States – then Trump faces up to four years in prison.

But legal experts have told the BBC a jail sentence is unlikely.

  • This is what happens when Trump is arrested

Can Trump still be elected president?

Yes, there is nothing in the US Constitution that allows Mr. Trump cannot continue his campaign after being indicted.

Even though he’s in jail, he could theoretically still run for president and win an election.

But there are also practical considerations.

A protracted legal battle and trial will be a major distraction in the presidential campaign – in terms of time and energy, and caucus planning.

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Hasn’t Trump already been investigated?

Yes. He faced two major congressional investigations, known as impeachment, during his presidency, but was acquitted by the US Senate each time.

Now that he is out of office, he can no longer be prosecuted, but can be prosecuted and face multiple criminal investigations.

They are a work in progress and we will hear more about them in the months to come.

How big are Trump’s legal problems?

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