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Hamas attack bears hallmarks of Iranian involvement, former U.S. officials say

According to former U.S. intelligence and military officials, the extensive scope and sophisticated tactics employed by Hamas in its recent attack on Israel suggest a significant role played by Iran in this multi-pronged assault.


The Hamas operation, which involved fast boats, hostage-taking, and coordinated attacks, displayed strategies commonly associated with Iran and its proxies when confronting adversaries with superior conventional forces. Former senior intelligence officials and a former senior military officer have expressed their belief that the complexity of the attack goes beyond what Hamas could achieve independently.

However, Ali Baraka, a senior Hamas official, denied Iran’s involvement in or approval of the operation. He stated that the attack was a surprise to everyone, including Iran, and that they informed Iran only after it had commenced.

While The Wall Street Journal reported that Iranian security officials assisted Hamas in planning the attack and approved it during a meeting in Beirut, two U.S. officials told jomotoday News that they do not have information to corroborate this account.

A senior Israeli diplomatic source mentioned that Israel is not concerned about direct warfare with Iran, as Iran typically employs a strategy of proxy warfare, maintaining a level of deniability in its support for groups like Hamas.

Iran has denied any role in the attack, labeling such accusations as politically motivated by Israel’s recent challenges.

Former CIA officer Marc Polymeropoulos emphasized the importance of intelligence agencies determining the extent of Iran’s involvement in the assault, as it could have significant implications for potential conflicts.

Over the years, Iran has employed guerrilla or low-tech methods to counter technologically superior adversaries, including swarming warships with smaller speed boats, using rockets, drones, and missiles, and engaging in abductions. When its proxies exhibit significant advances in military tactics, it is often seen as an indication of Iranian involvement.

The recent Hamas attack, with coordinated strikes on multiple fronts and breaches of Israel’s fortified border with Gaza, raises questions about how they could have circumvented Israel’s extensive security measures. Some experts suggest that the militants might have jammed security cameras and electronic sensors, allowing them to cross the border with relative ease before the Israelis could respond effectively.

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