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Father of Assaulted Girl Speaks Out About Viral School Board Meeting Scuffle

A father, Scott Smith, who was involved in a heated incident at a Virginia school board meeting after his daughter was sexually assaulted in a restroom, has been pardoned by Governor Glenn Youngkin for disorderly conduct.


Smith’s viral scuffle at the meeting stemmed from his concerns about his daughter’s assault and an altercation with a “radical” woman. The district attorney, Buta Biberaj, who initially pressed charges against Smith, was criticized by him, and Youngkin’s pardon was contested by Biberaj. Smith called for Biberaj’s removal from office and highlighted the importance of voting her out.

The incident involving Smith’s daughter occurred in May 2021 when she was assaulted by a male student in a girls’ restroom. The male student, who identified as female, was allowed access to the girls’ bathroom according to the school’s policy. The assailant was arrested later, and he went on to assault another girl at a different school in October 2021, leading to his conviction in juvenile court.

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