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Earthquake alert: Dutch scientist predicts ‘strong tremor’ in Pakistan

The Solar System Geometry Survey (SSGEOS), an organization based in the Netherlands known for its seismic predictions, has gained attention for forecasting a major earthquake in Pakistan.


According to SSGEOS, this seismic event is projected to occur in Pakistan within the next 48 hours. SSGEOS specializes in monitoring fluctuations in electric charge in the atmosphere near sea level, which they suggest can indicate regions where stronger seismic activity might occur, typically within a range of 1 to 9 days.

While SSGEOS underscores that the regions they identify as potentially affected are approximations, they offer valuable insights into potential earthquake-prone areas.

In a recent prediction, a Dutch scientist working with SSGEOS reported a significant increase in electric activity along the Chaman fault lines in Pakistan. This surge has raised concerns of a powerful earthquake happening within the next 48 hours, causing anxiety among the local population.

It’s worth noting that this Dutch scientist has a track record of accurately predicting earthquakes, notably forecasting the devastating earthquake in Turkey earlier this year, which tragically claimed over 47,000 lives.

Historically, the Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) has consistently dismissed such predictions, citing a lack of scientific basis for earthquake forecasts.

Pakistan is situated in a seismically active region due to the convergence of the Indian Plate and the Eurasian Plate, making it susceptible to earthquakes.

Throughout its history, the country has experienced several significant earthquakes, and the risk of seismic events remains an ongoing concern. Seismologists worldwide continue to emphasize the inherent challenge of accurately predicting earthquakes. While it is possible to estimate the likelihood of earthquakes occurring in certain areas due to high seismic activity, pinpointing exact locations and timing remains a complex task.

Therefore, experts caution that earthquake forecasts, even those made by well-intentioned scientists, should be regarded with caution.

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