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Chileans vote not to replace Pinochet-era constitution

Chileans have rejected a proposed new constitution put forth by conservative delegates, which aimed to impact laws on various fronts, including abortion access, the right to strike, and indigenous rights. The intended replacement, drafted by a body of 51 representatives, 23 of whom belonged to the right-wing Republican Party, was voted down in a referendum on Sunday, with 56% of voters opposing it.


This rejected constitution would have supplanted the existing one, crafted during the military rule of Gen Augustine Pinochet. The drive to replace Chile’s 1980 constitution, established during the Pinochet dictatorship, commenced in 2019 amid anti-government protests, led predominantly by left-wing students advocating for social, political, and economic reforms to address issues like inequality and the cost of living.

Following weeks of unrest, then-conservative president Sebastián Piñera agreed to initiate the constitutional rewriting process. The first draft, formulated by 155 elected members, included reforms to the senate and formal recognition of indigenous groups but was rejected by 62% of voters in the previous year’s September referendum.

The most recent proposal, created by a smaller body of representatives, faced criticism from left-wing opponents who argued it did not adequately safeguard indigenous rights, posed risks to reproductive rights, and institutionalized private sector involvement in services like health, education, and pensions.

Chilean President Gabriel Boric, who initially supported the first draft but maintained neutrality on the second, declared before the vote that it would be the final attempt at constitutional reform. After the rejection, he reaffirmed this stance, stating that “the constitutional process is closed,” emphasizing the need to address other pressing matters. Boric acknowledged that, after two plebiscites on proposed constitutions, neither managed to represent or unite Chile’s diverse population.

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