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5 Things You Should Know About Jewish Freedom Passover

Every year, Jews around the world celebrate Passover, the Jewish holiday of freedom. The eight-day holiday begins at sunset on April 5 this year to commemorate the liberation of Hebrew slaves from ancient Egypt.

∙ 1. The Passover is based on the book of Exodus in the Torah (Bible), which clearly shows the life of Moses and the work of praying from God for the salvation of the Israelites. The Egyptians refused to release them, resulting in 10 events and miracles from Moses.
∙ The main elements of the 2nd Passover are the Seder, the Supper, and the Bowl of Seder, which represents the 6 meal symbols and helps tell the wonderful story of Moses and the Passover as recorded in the Book of Exodus. These foods are:

Jewish Freedom

Three unleavened breads representing the ancient Israelites who broke slavery; Say the blessing that should be done at Passover and other holidays. Our unleavened bread also represents priests, Levites, and Israelites to commemorate the date of Creation, when three angels visited Abraham and Sarah and slowly baked bread to visit.

Parsley, or in Hebrew, karpas represents the hard work of slaves. It is immersed in salt water and represents the tears of slaves..

Beitzah is a boiled or cooked egg that represents the cycle of life and food brought to the ancient temple in Jerusalem before the celebration. Eggs are also eaten after being dipped in brine.

The leg or bone of a lamb represents the lamb sacrificed and eaten on the eve of the Exodus. The blood of the lamb was used to mark the gates of the slaves of Israel so that the eventual sickness – death – would “pass” through their land.

Bitterweed or “maror” always includes stems of horseradish or lettuce, reminiscent of the Israelites’ bitter experiences in captivity.

Charoset is a blend of apples, pears, olives and wine. It represents the mortar and bricks used by Israelite slaves to build houses for their Egyptian masters.

∙ The truth about the story of the 3rd Seder and the Exodus is found in the Haggadah, a book published in Hebrew, English or other languages.
According to God’s instructions in Exodus 10, “Tell your son and his son’s son about the great things I have done in Egypt and the great miracles I have done in Egypt, so that he may know that I am the Lord.” In 1932, Maxwell House released free copies of the Haggadah into a commercial market. published and distributed. Since then, the company has sold millions of copies.

∙ 4. Encourage children to take on an important role during the Seder and ask these four questions: “Why is tonight different from all other nights?” “We don’t brine vegetables once. Why is our food brined twice?” “Other nights we eat fermented foods.
Why only unleavened bread tonight? We eat vegetables every night. Why is there only bitter medicine tonight? ”

∙ 5. Popular Passover dishes include fried chicken, fried fish, matzo ball soup, potatoes, candied carrots, and lamb chops.

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