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Kevin Spacey ‘attacked man while he slept’, London sex assault trial told

An aspiring actor who sought professional advice from Kevin Spacey claims he was awakened by the celebrity acting intercourse act on him after being invited to his flat.


The final of 4 guys on trial who claim they have been sexually assaulted by using an American actor gave evidence at London’s Southwark Crown Court on Monday.

He stated he become afraid to visit the police because he changed into a “David and Goliath” scenario.

the USA actor denies 12 sex offenses between 2001 and 2013.

His trial heard how the complainant became invited to Spacey’s flat inside the Waterloo area of London – in which he became staying at some point during his stint as the director of the vintage Vic theatre – after seeking him out for career mentorship.

Jurors have been played a recording of the complainant’s police interview, in which he said he changed into, to begin with, “certainly excited” the Hollywood megastar became taking an interest in his career.

the man – who was 23 at the time of the alleged offense – drank beer, smoked cannabis, and ate pizza with Mr Spacey.

He said: “I idea ‘what an excellent person taking time to assist me out’. That quickly went.

“He was slightly despondent in verbal exchange and failed to need to talk about performing. everything became very brief.

“not anything changed into a developing communication. In hindsight, he simply had one issue he wanted to do. He manifestly had one factor on this mind.”

The court docket heard the man claim that Spacey gave him a “low-waisted hug” and placed his head in his crotch whilst they had been sitting on a sofa.

He told police throughout the recorded interview that he became “a piece tipsy”, adding: “It is unusual in my behavior to just conk out and that’s what I did.”

Recounting the alleged assault, he said his “first actual photo” after waking up changed into the actor appearing a sex act on him.

The complainant advised police: “I said no, he type of carry on and that I drove him, and he stopped.

“He stood up. My belt become nonetheless collectively but my buttons were undone. I used to be zipping up and massively in shock.

“He stated I assume it turned into Nice you cross. He stated I ought to leave, and that I shouldn’t inform everyone approximately this.

“because I used to be in such surprise, I do not know what I thought.”

the person said he had heard Spacey preferred “younger, immediately boys” however “did not recognize at that point he becomes a predator”.

He said he cried even as expecting a bus domestic and was afraid to go to the police over the incident.

requested why he had not first of all pronounced it, he said: “It’s David and Goliath isn’t it, and talking to police, and being the most effective one.

“I did now not have the self-belief…it becomes so deeply buried. I failed to even tell friends.”

for the duration of in-person cross-examination in the courtroom, the complainant stated he believed he was drugged via Spacey and described him as a “vile, sexual predator” who “raped” him. The complainant turned into quizzed using Patrick Gibbs KC on behalf of Spacey, who was puzzled about his motives for coming ahead. Mr. Gibbs counseled that cash concerns might have been in the back of him going to the police and drawing near media outlets, and asked questions about his spending and gambling habits. The defense said the complainant had discussions with legal professionals about looking for millions in compensation from Spacey. Mr. Gibbs additionally positioned questions to the complainant about his sexuality and recommended that he knew Spacey desired to “hook up” with the complainant when he agreed to visit his flat.

In January, Mr. Spacey pleaded now not guilty to a few counts of indecent assault, three counts of sexual assault, and one relying on inflicting a person to interact in sexual activity without consent.

He also previously denied four, in addition, to fees of sexual assault and one being counted of causing a person to have interaction in penetrative sexual interest without consent.

All 4 accusers are entitled to lifelong anonymity under the regulation.

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