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Pierce Brosnan pleads not guilty to hiking off trail in Yellowstone thermal area

Pierce Brosnan pleaded not guilty to entering Yellowstone’s restricted thermal area, an acidic hot springs zone. The James Bond actor faces charges for hiking off trail in the protected ecosystem.

Pierce Brosnan
The James Bond star Pierce Brosnan pleaded not guilty to entering the park’s restricted area of acidic hot springs.

He faced charges for unlawfully entering Yellowstone National Park’s thermal area, where acidic hot springs can reach near boiling temperatures. Initially slated for a court appearance on January 23 regarding the November 1 incident, the 70-year-old actor received approval for a virtual hearing on February 20 from a Wyoming judge.

The charges against Brosnan, brought by a US attorney for Wyoming, involved two alleged infractions. One accused him of entering a restricted thermal area, while the other pertained to his presence in Mammoth Terraces, a collection of hot springs near Yellowstone’s northern boundary. Mammoth Terraces is among the park’s numerous thermal features, ranging from geysers to mud pots, with temperatures soaring up to 175F (79.4C).

Although the area is perilous, it is also fragile, with potential damage taking years to rectify. National park regulations mandate that visitors stay on designated paths, with violations carrying penalties of up to six months in jail and fines reaching $5,000 (£3,946).

An Instagram photo seemingly depicting Brosnan in sunglasses and a brimmed hat near the snow-covered springs was uploaded to a personal account, mocking Yellowstone’s “tourons” (tourist morons). The BBC sought Brosnan’s comment, but he has not responded.

Brosnan, recognized for his role in four James Bond films, was not the only one deviating from prescribed routes to appreciate Yellowstone’s beauty. With millions of visitors annually, the park has witnessed at least 22 fatalities resulting from burns sustained in its springs and geysers.

During the incident, Brosnan was in Montana filming “The Unholy Trinity,” a Western film where he portrays a sheriff alongside Samuel L. Jackson. Apart from his Bond films, Brosnan gained fame through the 1980s TV series “Remington Steele” and notable roles in movies like “Mrs. Doubtfire” and “The Thomas Crown Affair.”

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