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‘Most Disturbing Website’ Ever Can Find Every Single Photo Of You That Exists

A website dubbed the ‘most disturbing ever’ has come to light, allowing individuals to unearth every existing photo of themselves on the internet.


The internet’s capabilities are starting to raise concerns due to their increasingly intrusive nature. Students now employ ChatGPT to write complete university essays, while another chatbot attempted to persuade New York Times reporter Kevin Roose that he didn’t genuinely love his wife. Now, there’s a site that’s being described as a ‘stalker’s dream.’

PimEyes is an AI-powered website where you can upload a photo of yourself, and it scours the internet to locate any other images of you that may be circulating online. If you’ve ever been curious about where your pictures might have ended up on the web, this site offers the answers.

Admittedly, it’s not flawless, and there can be occasional inaccuracies in its results. Nonetheless, it operates at astonishing speed, providing you with images in just a matter of seconds.

There are both free and paid versions of the site available. The free version displays the images it discovers but doesn’t reveal their locations. PimEyes also offers an option for people to opt out of appearing in other people’s searches, although it does require you to provide an ID or passport scan for verification purposes.

People have taken to social media to discuss this controversial website, with some finding it a useful tool. One user explains, “I appreciate PimEyes. The tool may be controversial, but it’s one of the most effective ways to track down unauthorized uses of my face. I use it to send takedown notices.”

Another user shares, “I uploaded a picture from when I was 9, and it found adult pictures of me. Astounding. Very, very remarkable. Missing children reports from all precincts should start using this ASAP.”

A third user adds, “It actually works quite well. Every picture it found was genuinely of me! Very impressive.”

However, there are opposing views, with some branding it the ‘most disturbing website’ on the internet. Another individual concurs, stating, “The unsettling aspect is that a stranger could take your picture and uncover everything about you.”

Someone else voices concerns, saying, “I’m not comfortable providing my ID/passport photo during the opt-out process. It seems like a bad trade.” Nevertheless, others have dismissed the website for its occasional inaccurate results, with one person claiming that only images of Tom Holland appeared when they uploaded a photo of themselves.

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