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Idris Elba ‘dreams big’ with West African eco-city plan

Actor Idris Elba is pursuing plans to revitalize an island off Sierra Leone and establish the country’s inaugural wind farm, aiming to create a West African eco-city. Described as dreaming big, Elba’s project is focused on sustainable development and renewable energy initiatives.

Initially, our focus was on how to promote tourism along the remarkable 19 miles of beachfront on Sherbro Island,” the British celebrity shared with the BBC.

Idris Elba 'dreams big' with West African eco-city plan
The actor Idris Elba aims to regenerate an island off Sierra Leone and start the country’s first wind farm.

However, as we delved deeper into the concept, a more innovative approach emerged – one that involved partnering with stakeholders to develop the area sustainably, with an emphasis on eco-friendly practices. Additionally, the project aims to introduce wind-powered renewable electricity to Sierra Leone for the first time.

“It’s like a dream, you know, but I operate in the realm of imagination,” remarked Elba, renowned for his roles in Luther, The Wire, and his portrayal of Nelson Mandela. The 51-year-old actor is determined to instill belief in the feasibility of this endeavor and to alter perceptions.

“It’s about fostering self-sufficiency, about establishing an economy that sustains itself and fosters growth. I’m deeply committed to reshaping how Africa is perceived… away from the traditional aid-dependent model.”

“This opportunity presents a significant departure from previous ventures.”

Elba became involved in the project through his childhood friend Siaka Stevens, who is the grandson of a former Sierra Leonean president sharing the same name.

Having grown up together in east London and both having pursued careers as DJs, their paths frequently intersect in the entertainment industry.

Stevens, who has been increasingly involved in Sierra Leone over the past ten years, initially had aspirations of establishing a boutique hotel in the region. However, he came to the realization, as he told the BBC, that “Sierra Leone wasn’t prepared for that caliber of tourism,” given his background in luxury hospitality and entertainment.

This realization sparked the idea of developing Sherbro Island, with encouragement from a friend involved in the Saudi Red Sea enterprise, a large-scale tourism project. As a result, he approached Elba about the opportunity.

Two years later, the inception of Sherbro Alliance Partners (SAP) took place, followed by a significant deal in 2019 with the Sierra Leonean government to undertake the development of Sherbro Island, situated within the home district of current President Julius Maada Bio.

President Bio expressed optimism, stating, “We believe that Sherbro Island City will serve as a pivotal economic hub for our nation and neighboring regions.”

As of 2013, the island had a population of approximately 30,000 people, based on the latest available data, spanning an area of roughly 600 square kilometers (230 square miles). This size is slightly larger than the Isle of Man in the UK and approximately twice the size of Malta.

According to Stevens, the development is set to commence in and around the primary town of Bonthe, with the entire island falling within the project’s scope, potentially accommodating a population of up to one million individuals.

Elba emphasized the importance of preserving the island’s character, stating, “We hope to maintain the island’s beauty and greenery without disruption.” The project will be funded through a public-private partnership, with the island being designated a special economic zone, operating under a distinct legal and economic framework from the rest of Sierra Leone. Stevens draws parallels between its status and that of Walt Disney World in Florida, where Disney was granted regulatory exemptions and considerable planning autonomy in addition to tax incentives.

Octopus Energy Generation, a prominent investor in renewable energy in Europe, will construct the wind and solar farm, featuring five wind turbines, a solar panel array, and battery storage. Stevens noted that Elba and his wife Sabrina’s encounter with top Octopus officials Greg Jackson and Zoisa North-Bond at a party piqued their interest in Sherbro, ultimately securing their involvement in the project.

The octopus mentioned that construction is slated to commence later this year, with timing contingent upon weather conditions. Sierra Leone’s rainy season typically spans from May to November.

The company asserts that onshore wind and solar power represent some of the fastest energy sources to deploy, anticipating the wind farm’s completion within a few months.

This presents an exciting opportunity for Sierra Leone, where just 28% of the populace presently has electricity access. Moreover, in rural regions like Sherbro Island, there’s a complete absence of mains power.

According to Ms. North-Bond, who heads Octopus Energy Generation, the company is exploring two methods to distribute power throughout the island.

One project involved the establishment of a micro-grid, while the other aimed to serve as an “energy island,” facilitating the charging of electric vehicles such as cars and motorcycles from on-site battery stations, subsequently distributing energy to residential batteries.

According to Ms. North-Bond, Octopus’s initiative on Sherbro Island served as a pilot project for data collection and potentially as a blueprint for similar endeavors across Sierra Leone or elsewhere in Africa.

Regarding the broader vision for Sherbro, Stevens expressed to the BBC his aspiration for it to become an “Afro-dynamic eco-city” founded on African cultural principles, emphasizing community, collaboration, and environmental stewardship. This vision also entails adaptability to evolving social, economic, and environmental circumstances, as well as sustainable construction practices, including energy efficiency and resilience to climate change.

As the coordinator, Sherbro Alliance Partners has not specified a specific budget, but funding is expected to be sourced from various channels, likely amounting to billions of dollars.

In addition to its partnership with Octopus, the project has secured agreements with a range of specialized collaborators:

  • Lloyds will contribute to “supporting economic growth opportunities” and offer insights on insurance and risk management.
  • Sasaki Associates and Foster & Partners have been tasked with overseeing the overall master plan and landscape architecture. Foster & Partners, known for their work on iconic structures such as London’s Gherkin, City Hall, and Millennium Bridge, bring their expertise to the project.
  • MIC-HUB, a transportation planning firm, has been entrusted with ensuring efficient transportation to and from the island, as well as promoting eco-friendly travel options on Sherbro.
  • Coastal engineering firm PRDW will assess the impacts of climate change and sea level variations on the island.

The success of this endeavor can only truly be assessed in retrospect, given its magnitude.

Similar projects in Africa, like Senegal’s Akon City or the Malaysian Eco-Satellite City in Uganda, have faced questions regarding their feasibility. However, in Sierra Leone, success is measured beyond mere financial gains. While doubts linger about Elba’s ability to generate profits, he emphasizes the importance of making the project function effectively.

He expressed a desire to construct a splendid retirement abode for his mother, stating, “A part of me yearns to create that exquisite retirement haven for my mum.”

“I never imagined I’d be capable of laying the groundwork for a futuristic smart city within my lifetime… I lack the qualifications for such a venture. Yet, I possess the capacity to dream ambitiously.”

Contemplating his late father’s perspective, Elba conjectured that his father might deem the aspiration overly ambitious, but he would undoubtedly feel pride and offer sage counsel: “If you’re going to pursue it, ensure you execute it impeccably.

“Strive for excellence, pour your heart into it because that’s the pinnacle of your capability.”

The actor has expressed his dream of creating a sustainable and futuristic community in the region, with a focus on preserving the environment and uplifting the local population. I personally find it so refreshing to see a public figure like Idris Elba taking on such a meaningful and impactful project. His commitment to making a positive difference in the world is truly inspiring. I can’t wait to see how this eco-city plan unfolds and the positive impact it will have. What do you think about Idris Elba’s vision for the West African eco-city? Let’s dream big together and support initiatives like this that can make a real difference in the world!

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