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Christian Bale was paid less than the makeup artists in American Psycho

Featured Image Credit: Matt Crossick/Alamy Lions Gate Films

Christian Bale was paid less than the makeup artists in American Psycho

People know that one of Christian Bale’s most famous roles didn’t bring in the big bucks we assumed, given that he was paid less than the makeup artists involved in the film. I was shocked.Watch the trailer for the movie here.

In 2000, Bale appeared in American Psycho. The film adaptation of the 1991 novel of the same name tells the story of Patrick Bateman, a yuppy investment banker who leads a double life as a serial killer.

After the film premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, many fans praised Bale’s charming performance as the sociopathic Bateman, garnering him a massive cult following.

But while the film produced him one of the actor’s most memorable roles, it turned out that Bale wasn’t paid as well as his status in Hollywood would suggest.

In a new interview with GQ, Bale recalled that he only got the gig because Leonardo DiCaprio turned it down. ‘ he said.

“So you said you could only do it if you could pay me that amount. And you know it kept going I lost my mind But I got it back. ”

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Christian Bale as Patrick Bateman in American Psycho. Credit: Lions Gate Films

Bale went on to reveal that he was paid “minimum” for the job, and that there were more make-up artists on the film than he was.

He continued:

“And I was given back the house I shared with my father and sister.

“And the first thing I said was, ‘Oh my god, I have to get the money to finish ‘American Psycho.’ I remember sitting in the makeup trailer and being laughed at by the makeup artist. And so that was my motivation after that, was just, ‘I got to get enough that the house doesn’t get repossessed.’”

After TikTok account Hidden Movie Details shared the revelation in a video, many social media users were flummoxed by the news. 

Someone else asked, ‘Can a make-up artist get paid more than the main character in a movie?’ The director is back on a shoestring budget. ”

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