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Bi-2: Russia anti-war band arrested in Thailand faces deportation

Russian anti-war band Bi-2, arrested in Thailand while touring Phuket, faces deportation and potential return to Russia. Activists have raised concerns about the band’s future.

The rock band was touring Phuket and could be deported back to Russia, activists warn.

Human Rights Watch has urged the Thai government against deporting Bi-2, a band criticized by Moscow, asserting that the seven members face persecution.

The band was detained for staging unauthorized performances while touring Phuket, a resort island popular among Russian tourists. They are currently held in detention in Bangkok.

Thai authorities have not yet publicly commented on the case or responded to inquiries from the BBC.

According to a statement on the band’s official Facebook page, they face deportation after being found guilty on January 26th of performing without the required permit. The statement mentioned that they have already paid a fine for this violation.

However, some supporters of the band, reacting to the post, claim that the band is being unfairly targeted, alleging that Russian authorities found a pretext to detain them.

In their statement, the band asserts, “outside pressure significantly influenced our detention. We believe this pressure stems from retaliation for our creativity, perspectives, and stance.”

Furthermore, the band alleges that they struggled to comprehend the legal proceedings with Thai police and courts due to insufficient translation services.

Among the seven members of the band, some hold dual citizenship from Australia and Israel, potentially facing deportation to those countries. Activists caution that at least two members possess only Russian citizenship and could be returned there.

Russian authorities have yet to comment on the band’s situation or confirm if they sought their deportation. However, the band has previously been targeted by Russian lawmakers for their “anti-Russian stance.”

In May 2023, Russia’s justice ministry designated the band’s frontman, Egor Bortnik, as a “foreign agent” for his opposition to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and for making critical statements about Russia, its citizens, and authorities.

Bi-2 has been touring outside Russia since 2022, including performances across Europe last year

A Facebook post by a friend of Marjana Semkina, a member of the band, noted that Bi-2 has long been a thorn in the side of the Russian government due to their prominent anti-war and anti-Putin stance, prompting their relocation abroad some time ago.

Since the onset of the conflict in Ukraine two years ago, Thailand, especially its picturesque island destinations like Phuket, has experienced a significant surge in Russian tourists. This influx includes many Russians seeking refuge from conscription, with estimates suggesting that nearly half a million Russians arrived in Phuket during the first six months of 2023.

According to Sunai Pasuk, a senior researcher at Human Rights Watch, if Thai authorities were to repatriate Bi-2 to Russia where they might face danger and persecution, it would mark the first instance under Prime Minister Sretta’s government and the first case of the Thai administration forcibly returning a Russian national since the conflict began. Such an action would also contravene Thai domestic legislation prohibiting torture and enforced disappearances, as well as Thailand’s commitments under international anti-torture laws.

As a signatory to the UN Convention against Torture, Bangkok is obligated not to deport individuals to places where they are at risk of persecution.

Bi-2, known for their outspoken anti-war stance, found themselves in hot water after performing at a concert in Thailand, where political tensions are running high. The band’s bold stance against war has definitely stirred the pot, but the question remains – should artists face consequences for speaking out against conflict? Join the conversation and let’s explore what this headline means for the intersection of art, activism, and authority.

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