Kabosu, the Shiba Inu dog known for her distinctive expression immortalized in countless ‘doge’ internet memes, has passed away, as confirmed by her owner on Friday.
Back in 2013, a photo of Kabosu with her trademark sideways glance gained widespread attention on platforms like Tumblr and various online forums, ultimately solidifying her as the face of the ‘doge’ meme phenomenon, one of the most iconic and instantly recognizable images to emerge from the era of social media memes.
Kabosu, the dog famously known as the inspiration behind the “doge” meme, has passed away at the age of 14, as announced by her owner Atsuko Sato in a heartfelt poem on her blog. The Japanese Shiba Inu, who captured the hearts of countless internet users and even became the mascot of the Dogecoin cryptocurrency, had been battling leukemia and liver disease.
Sato tenderly shared that Kabosu peacefully departed while being gently comforted. She expressed deep appreciation to Kabosu’s devoted fans, reflecting on the joyous life they shared together.
In a conversation with X, Dogecoin also honored Kabosu, acknowledging, “The influence of this singular dog worldwide is beyond measure. She embodied boundless love and pure joy.”
Read More: Could the $15m Dogeverse ICO become the leading meme coin of 2024 as it nears its conclusion?
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