The agency said on Wednesday that NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captured the iconic Pillars of Creation at the place...
Netflix-original show, The Crown, is known for its fictional dramatization of the life of Queen Elizabeth II and her family...
Patriotism has left the BTS army saddened as the members are all set to embark on a military journey to...
Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, has decided to acquire Parler, the world’s pioneering non-cancelable free speech platform after Twitter...
The “Friends” star, Matthew Perry said he had a 2% chance of survival when he was hospitalized at age 49....
Singer-songwriter and composer Lucy Simon, who was nominated for a Tony Award for her 1991 Broadway musical The Secret Garden,...
Lionel Dahmer, the aging father of serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, is considering suing Netflix over two of its breakout series...
Tesla CEO Elon Musk comments on Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse’s tweet that the SEC has finally handover the Hinman docs,...
Kim Kardashian is known for making bold fashion choices, but this one was tough as nails. During the 20th October...