For years, Twitch has struggled to find a balance between being a place where video gamers can happily make a...
Ai-Da Robot, the world’s first ultra-realistic humanoid robot artist, has expressed her joy at attending the Abu Dhabi Cultural Summit,...
YouTube is rolling out what it calls a “minor makeover” with some new features and design changes with a purpose...
An anime-inspired NFT project has auctioned off eight golden skateboards that can be burned for physical-backed tokens, an experimental new concept that blends physical and...
The judge issued this ruling as an explanation for an injunction he issued in May preventing the potential sale of...
On Saturday, Madonna celebrated the 30th anniversary of her then-controversial “sex” book, posting on her Instagram story. Praised for paving...
Yellow Submarine, a 1968 animated musical comedy adventure film influenced by the music of the Beatles brings nostalgia and memories...
There may be a new Star Wars movie coming and the person making it might be none other than our...
Warner Bros.’ “Black Adam” opens Sunday with an estimated $67 million, according to studio estimates, making Dwayne Johnson the lead...
House of the Dragon star Olivia Cooke awaited “horror” from the Season 1 finale, the reason is revealed. In the...