Yellow Submarine, a 1968 animated musical comedy adventure film influenced by the music of the Beatles brings nostalgia and memories...
There may be a new Star Wars movie coming and the person making it might be none other than our...
Warner Bros.’ “Black Adam” opens Sunday with an estimated $67 million, according to studio estimates, making Dwayne Johnson the lead...
House of the Dragon star Olivia Cooke awaited “horror” from the Season 1 finale, the reason is revealed. In the...
The agency said on Wednesday that NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope captured the iconic Pillars of Creation at the place...
Netflix-original show, The Crown, is known for its fictional dramatization of the life of Queen Elizabeth II and her family...
Patriotism has left the BTS army saddened as the members are all set to embark on a military journey to...
Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, has decided to acquire Parler, the world’s pioneering non-cancelable free speech platform after Twitter...
The “Friends” star, Matthew Perry said he had a 2% chance of survival when he was hospitalized at age 49....